ASSAULT Situation: Enemy forces masquerading as refugees have ambushed the US forces defending bridge at grid WS663429. Your force returning from patrol is now on the hostile side of bridge, and must link up with your company headquarters to pass along time-sensitive information. Mission: Squad will meet with company transport at grid WS763529, on the far side (East side) of the bridge. The information you possess must be passed to the Company HQ NLT 241730LNOV03. Enemy: Enemy consists of a squad-sized force occupying the bridge. The enemy force is armed with assault rifles, grenades, and an advanced marksmanship team. Troops: One infantry squad with advanced marksmanship team. Terrain: High-altitude stone bridge spanning a mountain chasm. Adverse weather conditions (high winds and fog) prevent air support. The three bridge towers constitute key terrain. DEFENSE Situation: Ongoing contingency operations have your platoon controlling a stone bridge at grid WS663429. This bridge is vital to UNHCR operations. Enemy forces masquerading as refugees have attacked your platoon. Your platoon leader has charged your squad with delaying the enemy force until friendly reaction forces arrive. Mission: Squad delays enemy forces from crossing bridge at grid WS663429 until reaction force arrives. Enemy: Enemy consists of a fanatic squad-sized force armed with assault rifles, grenades, and an advanced marksmanship team. Troops: One infantry squad with advanced marksmanship team. Terrain: High-altitude stone bridge spanning a mountain chasm. Adverse weather conditions (high winds and fog) prevent air support. The three bridge towers constitute key terrain.